The Klērpäth Mission

Elevating wellness with simple, convenient solutions

Converging Experts

Klērpäth was born from separate companies, each creating alternatives to supplements in their markets. Grobuff was a successful recreation of pre-workout supplements. L-Arginine Plus provided a more effective substitute to blood pressure and cholesterol supplements. Outdoor Supplements boosted the body’s ability to perform at its best. They have come together with the goal to provide premium products with the healthiest ingredients.

Steve Brailsford

Steve is the dynamic president of KEB Enterprises, a company renowned for its innovative nutritional supplements since the 1970s.

Steve is passionately committed to the outdoors and physical wellness. He is an avid scuba diver and cyclist. Steve’s adventurous spirit and dedication to health and wellness define his leadership at Klērpäth.

Joe Richardson

Doctor of Chinese Medicine | Creator of Muscle
Joe’s exposure to Traditional Chinese medicine during a stay in Korea ignited a passion that led him to become a doctor in the field.
Merging his military and medical backgrounds, Joe served as a SWAT medic, an experience that inspired him to create a product that supported his high-speed career well into his 50s.

Dan Williams

Coach | Formulator
As an expert in outdoor activities, athletics, and supplementation, Dan brings his extensive experience to the forefront at Klērpäth.

With over a decade of experience in the supplement industry, Dan has a well-rounded grasp on how proper supplementation can significantly enhance the body’s ability to perform optimally.

Ricky Kesler

Internet Marketing
Ricky is an internet entrepreneur and co-founder of Income School where he develops and teaches methods for reaching people through the power of content.
He is renowned for his transformative role in guiding others toward financial independence through their own online ventures.

Business for good

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